Hairclub of America

Website redesign for a longstanding brand in hair regrowth and restoration to be a frictionless digital experience for prospective clients and members.
Project Type
Website Design
Hairclub of America
Website redesign for a longstanding brand in hair regrowth and restoration to be a frictionless digital experience for prospective clients and members.
UX/UI Designer
Sitemap and Wireframing
As part of an effort to migrate and rebuild the Hairclub site in Wordpress, the small team on this project aimed to tighten up info architecture, refresh the design, fix components with broken functionality, and create custom code for pieces that were powered by third-party software, like the Hair Loss Quiz. Design work began with a content audit and a sitemap to help our team and the client visualize how pages and sections are related and help guide thinking about where to strategically place content where it can most easily be found.

Some Early UX Explorations
Getting site visitors to book a HairClub center visit and increasing the show rate are two of the top goals of the site. There are three CTAs which enable users to do this: Call, Chat, and Book an Appointment.
• How could we give all three equal weight without letting them take up too much real estate on the page and obscuring content on mobile?
Before/After photos of hair growth make a big impact to show the value of this service.
• What are some innovative ways to present them that would work on both mobile and desktop platforms?

Hair Loss Quiz
The Hair Loss Quiz is an user engagement tool linked to throughout the site that's meant to create more self awareness in users about hair, provide basic personalized and actionable quiz results, and move users to book a consultation. Above just programming the quiz internally, we wanted to improve its UX.

UX Opportunities for Quiz
• Collect the User's Name to repeat in personalized results and introduce the purpose of the quiz upfront.

• Indicate approximately how long it should take to complete.

• Make it more visually appealing, with illustrations and photos where appropriate.

• Provide explanations for why some questions are asked to give transparency into the quiz's design.

• Include a progress indicator and counter for the number of questions

• Provide the ability to go back at each step and to exit out of the quiz entirely throughout.
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Etiam eget dapibus odio. Suspendisse cursus neque purus, ut posuere arcu fringilla vitae. Donec eu nunc in dui vehicula imperdiet id sed tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nulla facilisi. Donec condimentum sapien ac lorem ornare aliquam. Aenean fermentum, nisi et blandit lobortis, mauris augue pharetra lacus, nec gravida leo nulla eu ex. Donec consequat mi eget diam luctus sodales. Nam commodo tellus quam, vel euismod ante egestas sollicitudin.
  • Etiam eget dapibus odio. Suspendisse cursus neque purus, ut posuere
  • Nulla non dignissim dui. Aenean viverra, ex ac lobortis accumsan, sem lectus
  • Nulla non dignissim dui. Aenean viverra, ex ac lobortis accumsan, sem lectus

  • Nulla non dignissim dui. Aenean viverra, ex ac lobortis accumsan, sem lectus